What Color Is Your Parachute?


A couple of days ago I had thoughts of a book of the same title as this post.  It was an older copy, of course, so I got rid of it a while ago.  After some time now working for a customer through a placement agency, it seemed right to do this book again—and finish it!

This book is intended to reveal, consolidate and map out the real desires within you for the “ideal” job you could be doing.  At this stage in my life, there are so many interests it is difficult to pin-point a single job; at least to my own little mind.  Music, automated CNC machines, manufacturing, architecture, film, art, writing; there are so many creative endeavors.

Even with all of the education I’ve had over the past 30 years, it still hasn’t helped in tapering things down.  With all the jobs I’ve had, there hasn’t been any long-term employment; nothing to work toward a life-time achievement.  It feels good to put words down here again.

7 thoughts on “What Color Is Your Parachute?

  1. Good to see your words here again!

    I feel very similar. If i could live multiple lifetimes i’d take different “career” paths in each! Animals, art, science, photography… I’ve never had what i would call a career though, which is why i used “”…. I miss working with animals because it felt so rewarding, but now that it’s not a possibility living here in Sweden (plus i’ve been out the game a while now, i’m older etc it never looks great on a CV) i am unsure what i am supposed to do with my life. What can i achieve now? I have a bachelors and a masters degree but still no job, let alone a “career”. Do you think everyone is supposed to have one? I feel like if I don’t pick and stick with something, i must have failed at some life thing. Even though i know that isn’t really true and that not everyone has the whole “i went to uni, got a job and progressed my way up till i retired” thing. That’s actually probably more uncommon. I suppose i like having a purpose. Not very good at the floating through life thing. I’m thinking of trying to do art again and see where that takes me. It won’t be far and chances are high it will actually take me nowhere, but it’s worth trying i guess. You know, until i build my own animal sanctuary and what not 😉

    • Just thought of following up on your comment again. Would you consider getting your own copy of Parachute 2015? Seriously, the more I read it, the better I like it. Practical wisdom that doesn’t demand you follow formulas to get work. If over 80% of jobs are found through social contacts rather than “papering your resume” everywhere, what’s the point of knocking yourself out with traditional methods? As a bit of a social recluse, this area is where I need to do the most work on: getting out amongst people with similar interests. The hardest part of my job search is maintaining relationships.

      Amazon or eBay are great resources for a used copy. I was very fortunate to get one at the local thrift store! At my age, getting work that seems more suited for younger people (like yourself) is almost a guaranteed fail!

    • Morning Lucy, *heats up a pot of tea*….*waits a few minutes to steep*….*pours a cup and adds a lump of sugar, stirs, sips*…Ahhhh…..Is it just me, or does your blog look like the comments section has been turned off? It would be lovely to comment on some recent pics, but it seems there is no place. *takes another sip and offers a cup to Lu*

  2. Hi! I never saw these replies because i gave up on my blog! And i just came back to this post to read it aloud to Gavin after explaining to him how you had kindly offered to send a copy of this book that i had already found at a library! Did that make sense?
    I have added your blog to my Bloglovin’ app now (which is how i usually stay up to date with blogs i follow) so now I won’t miss any comments or blog posts you make. Yay!
    To answer your question many days late, yes i turned off comments. I found i preferred just sharing photos without critiques. It’s hard to explain how i just wanted to share without input as i know it sounds strange, but i did. And i still got critique (not from you of course). So i turned them off. Now i have stopped sharing as i find it a hassle to post here, rather than a joy. I just share my photos on Instagram now and follow other photographers and artists. Anyway, sorry again for the late comment. I’m reminded of why i miss MyOpera at times like these…

    • Yes, I still miss the MyOpera times of reality, zaniness, heartache, triumph and art. It was more than social media, it was the beginning of beautiful friendships. I have wondered at times about running away alone for a weekend and just writing.
      Would that be an evasion of responsibility?
      *heats up another pot of tea*
      *trundles to the kitchen for sugar, milk and cranberry-raisin oatmeal cookies*

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